Greetings from the Ontario Legislative Assembly.

It is our pleasure to host the 33rd Annual Association of the Sergeant-at-Arms Conference that will be held from July 22nd to 27th in Toronto, Ontario.

As you are aware, there was no time to establish a budget for this year’s conference, but OLA’s Clerk and Speaker graciously permitted us to host a full-scale SAA conference.  The theme for this year’s conference is “Managing Contemporary Challenges Facing Traditional Democratic Institutions.” We have secured some incredible subject matter experts that will provide some insight into the challenges we are currently facing in a parliamentary setting that will assist in developing solutions from their knowledge and experience. OLA’s Parliamentary Protocol and Public Relations team has also developed an amazing partner’s program in which I personally wish I could participate.

Please register for the conference at the top of this page and book your rooms as soon as possible so we can ensure enough rooms are held for everyone.

I look forward to our fellowship, parliamentary updates and the opportunity to learn from this year’s subject matter experts.  If there is anything we can do to assist you, please do not hesitate to ask.

Warmest regards,

J Gordon